And the Winner is... ME?

Matt and Zombies Shades.jpg

I’ll be honest with you, my books haven’t often won awards. They’ve been nominated, sure. But I’ve been to a LOT of award ceremonies where the words, “and the winner is…” have been closely followed by the words, “DAVID WALLIAMS!”.

Well, not this time because one of my books, MUTANT ZOMBIES CURSED MY SCHOOL TRIP, has been nominated for a top UK award and YOU can help choose the winner. In fact, the FCBG award is the only national book award that is voted for entirely by kids. All you have to do is go here before September 11th and vote (FOR ME) and you could help one author (ME) win the Federation of Children’s Book Groups award for 2020*.

Thanks so much for helping.

*The other authors are good too.